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Questions Answered by Steve D. Hardin
1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law, Federal Crimes and Identity Theft for Missouri on
Q: Earlier today I had a gentleman calling himself Thomas Mandel call me and say that the SSA has a warrant for my arrest?

Gave me these numbers I.D.#64031

Case#SI 724322

Warrant I.D.#537542

Incident occurring in El Paso TX

Any help or clarification would be appreciated

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Aug 11, 2023

The Federal Government does not call to say they have a warrant for their arrest. They simply serve said warrant and your in jail or at least in front of a Federal Judge. In general the Federal Government doesn't even call people at least not without sending a letter first.

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1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law, Civil Rights and Constitutional Law for Missouri on
Q: I have an outstanding warrant for a crime I did commit, however it says my warrant is for something I was never charged

with. Under my case file, it says it's for stealing, but I pled not guilty, and then missed my trial arraignment. I should only have a warrant for missing my court date since I was never officially sentenced, right? Should I turn myself in?

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Jun 28, 2023

Yes you should turn yourself in. But before you do you need to hire an attorney or speak to your current attorney.

The warrant even for failure to appear always references the charges even if you have plead not guilty. Either way when you have a warrant you need to get an attorney and...
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1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law for Missouri on
Q: How much time will a person serve in prison in mo for a 7 sentence on a class D felony.

The charge was unlawful possession of a firearm. Had recently been put on probation and had a couple probation violations, then they sentenced them to seven years after staying 120 days in county?

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on May 2, 2023

The amount of time a person spends in prison is up to the parole board. There are factors that they consider such any mandatory minimums including those for prior remands to prison and for certain types of charges. His behavior in prison including any rules violations or if he takes classes will... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for Missouri on
Q: Can the father of my children be they're next friend if he's suing me for custody but I have the kids
Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Nov 21, 2022

Short answer is yes. Long answer is yes and Next Friend doesn't really mean that much in a custody proceeding. The Court will appoint a GAL if there is need for your children's interest to be represented in Court with the correct motion. Ultimately you need an attorney to help you with... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law and Federal Crimes for Missouri on
Q: In the state of Missouri if I was charged federally with a crime would it show up on case net or where would I go 2look

Where would I find my federal charges

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Nov 7, 2022

Federal cases do not appear on The Federal Court System as a website where court filings maybe found.

However the Feds do things differently so any charges may or may not be publicly viewable. Your best bet would be to speak to a criminal defense...
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1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Missouri on
Q: My visitation with my children is not being honored. My complaint to the police went nowhere.

What can I do about her demands for money? She is letting me see them this weekend for the first time in two months but only if I send her 200$ cash. I think that’s horrible and my twin daughters are calling me everyday asking why I can’t pay mom more money so that they can come see me. How can... View More

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Mar 6, 2024

You will have to take her back to court. The legal system is not self actuating and you have to bring a petition for family access and motion to modify to would likely be in order too. You need to speak to a family attorney.

1 Answer | Asked in Divorce for Missouri on
Q: I’m needing a divorce but my husband is incarcerated currently. What are my first steps

My husband knows I’m filling and he isn’t going to contest it I just don’t know how to go about it

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Mar 4, 2024

The best way to go about it is to hire an attorney to help. You can also check out the Missouri Supreme Courts webpage for self representation forms.

1 Answer | Asked in Domestic Violence for Missouri on
Q: Felony assault B D domestic violence special victim we never touched her. We left her alone as we always had.
Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Jan 30, 2024

This really isn't a question but the answer is you need an experienced criminal defense attorney. That and do not speak to anyone about this matter other than an attorney you are seeking to hire.

1 Answer | Asked in DUI / DWI for Missouri on
Q: Do I still need to complete satop since 7 years has passed since I had a DUI

Also I got a paper saying I got a DWI in Tennessee peior to the DUI and I never have been there in my life. What should I do about that

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Nov 6, 2023

Missouri yes you have to do SATOP and everything else to have Missouri remove its hold on your drivers license.

Tennessee you need an attorney in Tennessee to to check in on that DWI case.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Missouri on
Q: Do I have to answer my daughters fathers request for information
Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Aug 16, 2023

There is not nearly enough information to answer your question. It depends on the facts of your case and if there are previous orders. You should consult with an attorney.

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law for Missouri on
Q: What are the options in Missouri if someone was arrested on a Methamphetamine possession and this is the first offense?

They were arrested on a possession charge but were not read their Miranda rights and this is their first charge. No criminal history what so ever and they have a full time job are seeking therapy for their issues.

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Jul 11, 2023

The person needs to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to review their case and perhaps negotiate a plea. Miranda warnings are not required upon arrest only upon an in custody interrogation. Either way there might be options but the case needs to be reviewed by a lawyer in detail.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for Missouri on
Q: If you have a temporary custody order in one county than Can the noncustodial parent have the case moved to their county

If they get a restraining order against the other parent

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Jul 10, 2023

You will need to speak to an attorney in person. Venue for a child custody proceeding can be complex and will take a review of the cases and facts before a reasonable answer can be given.

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law for Missouri on
Q: What’s the punishment 1st time for drug trafficking meth w traces of fentanyl and is being charged with a class b felony

Not federal charges. My ex husband was arrested for this offense in Mo. and I was wondering what hope he has for seeing a sober future outside of prison walls!

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Jun 27, 2023

A class B felony carries 5 to 15 years in prison. It is possible that he might be eligible for probation but more details would be required. How long he actually receives is up to a judge or possibly a jury and will depend on a lot of factors. Your ex husband needs an attorney to represent him.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Missouri on
Q: Is there anything I can do to get my son b back we had a apartment and everything they took him off of hear say

My son got took out of school on may 22nd saying child abuse because of my ex who called them I had a lil apartment and they still took him it was clean fridge we had food this happened a month ago he was put into foster care my brother has him now but I am still fighting to get him back I have... View More

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Jun 26, 2023

You need an attorney. Who will be able to help you understand and prepare a defense to the allegations or help you convince the Court that your son should be returned to you. It is hard to say what you can do yourself as we cannot see the filings and allegations in the case. Please contact an... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Criminal Law, Divorce and Family Law for Missouri on
Q: I have very good reason to believe my wife is having an affair.

Would it be legal for me to put a voice recorder in her car. I am the legal owner,only my name is on the title.

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Jun 20, 2023

Short answer is no.

Long answer is that this would be a crime and could get you in serious trouble. Also it would be cited in the divorce. If you feel she is being unfaithful speak to a divorce attorney about how to proved it legally and if it would even be helpful.

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1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law for Missouri on
Q: I have court tomorrow for burglary 2nd degree felony and stealing 750 or more felony. Whats gonna happen if i plea guilt

I admitted to it. If I plea guilty what will I get? I have a clean record besides this?

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Jun 14, 2023

There is not nearly enough information in your question to give you an answer. Don't just plead guilty get a lawyer and likely you will get a lot less than without one.

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law and Traffic Tickets for Missouri on
Q: If someone gets pulled over with a fraudulent temporary tag, what would the police charge them with?
Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Jun 12, 2023

Depends on the officer as there are a range of options from felony forgery to failure to register a motor vehicle or failure to display license plates.

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law for Missouri on
Q: Can a police officer lie in a probable cause statement to get a warrant issued?
Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Apr 17, 2023

No they are not allowed to lie to the court. Has it happened before certainly. Did it happen in your case or your friends case? That would take an experienced criminal defense attorney to review the case to determine.

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law for Missouri on
Q: What are the grounds needed for a Stealing Misdemeanor A in Missouri?

The amount was Under $55.00

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Mar 2, 2023

Theft of any value is an A misdemeanor in Missouri. The classification only goes up from an A misdemeanor depending on what was stolen.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for Missouri on
Q: Are hair follicles invasivebin child custody cases in missouri?

A judge went straight to hair follicle drug tests instead of the leastbintrusive method first.

Steve D. Hardin
Steve D. Hardin
answered on Feb 16, 2023

No they are not invasive in a child custody case. Less invasive urinalyses do not give a history of drug or alcohol abuse so the courts often want a hair follicle test.

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